
Festival Weddings

With the Festival season in full swing, its all about creating memories! Now they may be booze fuelled memories and all of a slight haze, but you can guarantee they will consist of the following; meeting new friends, singing and dancing to your heart's content, listening to new bands or a rendition of a favourite song, trekking through miles of mud on your way back to your tent or even crowd surfing…ok this one might not be true!  These memories will last a lifetime and they will stay with you forever. But for the select few festival goers they take...

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What is recycled leather?

Here at BeGolden nearly all of our products are made from recycled leather. Recycled leather you say, what actually is that?  Recycled leather is a composite of shredded discarded leather collected from the manufacturing of clothes, shoes, boots, handbags, furniture etc. These shreds are then mixed together with a binding agent and produced into sheets of different thicknesses and then coated into any given colour. Different textures can be added for a tactile smooth finish or an interesting textured look.  In terms of leather thickness, we use a thick board for our albums to keep them stiff and durable so...

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How Important is the Type Face on your Wedding Stationery?

Being in the printing business we have become more and more obsessed with different type fonts! Sad, I know. However, in our defence, the whole area of fonts and type faces is strangely addictive. My individual nerdy obsession took an added turn when I was bought the book Just My Type by Simon Garfield for Christmas. Oh my life, as Simon explains, just a small tweak to the type on a logo and the whole thing changes disproportionately. Love it. It is actually amazing ( no irony here) how you can change the look and feel of a product just...

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