
Why should I make a wedding album?

Why should I make a wedding album?

When we have a phone full of wedding photos and an entire file on the computer dedicated to them, the question 'why should I make a wedding album?' is a really good one. By the time people have reached our website then they're more or less convinced that it's a good idea, so this article goes out to those who are still sitting on the fence. 

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How do you make a holiday photo album?

How do you make a holiday photo album?

Honestly, if there's one think that will keep the memory of a holiday alive it's the holiday photos - so print them off and put them into a photo album. I've just come back from a really relaxing holiday with my Sister in Goa and as a Thank You I'm making her a little photo album so the whole process is very fresh in my mind and I'm going to share it with you.

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Does a Photo Album make a good Wedding Gift?

Does a Photo Album make a good Wedding Gift?

Getting a wedding invite is so exciting, but not long after the intial joy comes the persistently niggly thought...what am I going to get them as a gift!!! It's a big consideration as you want your gift to be memorable, thoughtful, beautiful and something they'll want to keep. I know we're biased, but I'm going to convince you as to why a photo album makes a perfect wedding gift!

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How do you stick photos into a photo album?

How do you stick photos into a photo album?

We get asked this so many times, and it's a good one: How do you stick photos into a photo album?To be honest there are lots of ways that work really well and its is so much easier to do than you think! Here are a few guides

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